The feud between them became the stuff of legend Boris took one of Khazrak's eyes only to lose one of his own by the Beastlord's hand at a later date. Like all Middenheimers and men of Ulric, Boris Todbringer never takes a challenge lightly, and so brought total war to the Beastmen and their leader, Khazrak.

Finding himself in the shadow of the Cult of Sigmar and denied the throne, Todbringer raged at the newly-anointed Emperor until the Beastmen raids into the Drakwald reminded him that his sacred duties were more important than mere political squabbles, no matter the cost to his status.

Boris Todbringer is a man of blunt truth and affirmative action, but in the election for Emperor of 2502 he was outplayed by the "foolish young pup" Karl Franz and his allies.